Sunday, January 4, 2015

Where It Begins

So, I've been reading a lot lately about water, hydration and how 37% of Americans mistake dehydration for hunger (many sources state a higher percentage, but I think they may exaggerate). Then, today, I read this little snippet of pseudo-news about a Brit woman who decided to hydrate to the tune of 1 gallon (about 3.75 liters) of water per day and her results (via photo) were quite remarkable. I would have dismissed this all as pseudo-science and / or more of the "what our pill can do for you" drivel except that the page in question was selling nothing more than a free subscription to its newsletter. I have read more on the hydration topic and I have decided to try the journey for myself. This is where it begins.

Tomorrow morning, one hour after waking, I shall photograph myself. Without makeup, without benefit of shower, skincare or moisturizer. Just me, fully awake. I shall not change my diet nor exercise routine, and I will take daily weight and circumference measurements. I will endeavor to be the best, most honest self and stick to the one and only rule: drink at least one gallon of either water or non-sweetened tea every day.

Wish me luck, and join me if you like.

The  ~M~

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